A secure payment gateway service is a blessing when you have an online business. This is because you obtain a wide variety of online payment services depending upon your requirements as well as get the opportunity to operate your business in a safe and foolproof manner. However, while a payment getaway service can prove to be a quick and easy way to make and accept payments online, it needs to function appropriately. To make sure that the process of buying and selling runs in a smooth manner, it is imperative for the payment getaways to be secure. To ensure it is safe and well protected, you need to test it effectively. Here is how you can do so.
Testing should be done in an end to end manner
There are a few but nagging bugs pertaining to data flow and data capture from application to the payment getaway. This is why it is important to make certain that the transaction is tested in an end-to-end manner. It will help minimize the presence of these flaws.
The presence of issue resolving options
Sometimes, glitches are bound to occur even in a secure payment gateway service. As a result, there are going to be times when the payment fails during a transaction. During these times, you need to make sure that customers are informed about the inconvenience through an appropriate message. Strictly technical messages such as ‘404 error’ or ‘server is down’ can seem to be mechanical. Rather than this, go for ‘there seems to be a problem in the transaction processing. Please contact our customer care number’. This gives a better customer service experience.
The existence of a free isolated environment
It is important to look for a free, isolated environment which can be utilized for the secure payment getaway service (Link). Although this environment needs to be tested efficiently before it is implemented, it ensures you obtain an added layer of flexibility to customize the tools in your payment getaway service.
Post production verification is also important
To conduct post production verification, the business owner has to come up with a live payment processor account and set up a merchant ID. Following this set up, regress testing needs to be conducted on the payment processor before the application and payment processor integration goes live for the public.
It is very important to test the module of payment processor for an e-commerce application, particularly when it is required to accept payments from all kinds of users. Not paying attention to every step of the payment getaway process can tamper with the overall experience of the end user.
In order to make sure you offer customers a secure payment gateway service, you need rigorous testing at regular intervals. To do this, coming up with a test environment and then formulating a testing strategy for the live/post production release environment is essential. All in all, testing your PayTabs payment getaway service ensures that the complete payment cycle is working just right. This includes getting transactions from the online store as well as recording and authenticating refund.